March 19, 2009

The horror!

I was reading THIS great blog post by Michelle Mitchell of Scribbit this morning. She writes about the importance of getting your children to read books/improving their literacy at a young age, as well as some tips on how to do it. I thought, "Oh God, what if my (as yet unborn) children don't enjoy reading?" (I will admit, horrible as it is, that one of my biggest fears is having a kid that is an illiterate, obese couch potato. And a mouth-breather.) So, while I'm not going to force Chaucer, ballet or T-ball on my kids, I am going to encourage reading and physical activity.

And, on a related note, some of my favorite books from childhood (in no particular order):

Critter books by Mercer Mayer (Awesome illustrations - one of the first "series" that I read straight through. Math class, 2nd grade, below the desk.)

The Fudge Books by Judy Blume (I laughed so loud in class in 4th grade that I got sent to the hall. Stupid Mrs. Harvey...)

Nancy Drew Series by Carolyn Keene (I STILL love these books and can name every single major character.)

The Ramona Series by Beverly Cleary (A doll named Chevrolet? Classic. Also loved the tv shows with Sarah Polley.)

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