September 14, 2009

Covet. Covet. Covet.

Main Entry: cov·et
Pronunciation: \ˈkə-vət\
Function: verb
1 : to wish for earnestly 2 : to desire (what belongs to another) inordinately or culpably

I love house tours. They inspire me and are fun and you can always get some great decorating ideas. But I don't ever want to forceably shove someone out of their house so that I can move in. That has changed due to "Scott and Marie's Perfectly Put Together Home" from Apartment Therapy. I want their place, furniture and all, and I am willing to push hard.

Below are a few photos from the house tour posted on Apartment Therapy back in May, but really, you must check out the entire slideshow posted on the site.

Go to the
and prepare to be amazed.

Dining Room:

(Dig the "rough" table and the rug.)


(Books! Books! Books!)

Retro-fab Kitchen:

If/when JJ and I move/buy/steal a house in SF, I hope it is JUST like this one, right down to the framed bat. *sigh*

NOTE: ALL PHOTOS AND RELATED CONTENT FROM WWW.APARTMENTTHERAPY.COM (giving credit where credit is due. OH and you should check the AT site regularly. It is pretty kick a$$).

1 comment:

Eloise said...

I love it! Not as much into the light blue sitting room with those high back sofas?